Fitting Felt Shingles with Guttering

Fitting Extras

Fitting Felt Shingles with Guttering

Fitting guttering to your cabin will benefit twofold :

  1. Rain falling of an un-guttered roof will land and likely splash back dirt onto the lower side walls of the cabin not only making the cabiun look dirty, more importantly subjecting the wood to unecessary amounts of water and unless well treated will cause problems in the long term.
  2. Most of us are now on water meters and although not hugely expensive, why not harvest the rain water from the roof and store in suitable water butts for use on the garden at a later stage.

So, you now have good reasons to install guttering to your cabin - please see our article here on fitting guttering to your log cabin.

In order for the water to run directly from the roof into the guttering, plan for this when fitting the felt shingles. When fitting the first row of starter / ridge tiles, over hang the eave (Roof board position 39b) by approximately 40mm (1.5") this will result in the tile edge dispelling the water straight into the gutter.

Fitting shingles when using gutters

Author - Martin Corby
Posted - 02 Oct 2017

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