Contact Details
Please call or email with any questions you may have - we will be pleased to assist.
Should there be no answer from the office, by all means try the mobile number (unless you're trying to sell us advertising in which case call tomorrow)
- Office Telephone - 01342 477774
eMail -
- Office Address
- 19 Manor Road
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 1LP
- 19 Manor Road
Mobile - 07811 379561
Please note, we currently DO NOT have a display area of our cabins. Our office address is just that, an office !
Registered office address (Sixpence Accountancy Services LLP) :
Reg. in England - 4864393
c/o Sixpence Accountancy Services LLP
The Offices
57 Newtown Road
East Sussex, BN3 7BA
VAT Registration Number : 821304671