Composite Bearer Upgrade

Cabin Base

Composite Bearer Upgrade

How to fit composite bearers, replacing the timber units supplied with the standard kit.

Composite joists will never rot or splinter when compared to a timber option and the perfect solution for a complete hassle/low maintenance free base bearer solution.

They have benefit of being :

A well worth upgrade for your cabin.

The composite bearers are supplied as 38x38mm section in 3.0m lengths.

You will be supplied enough linear length of bearer to complete the bearer layout as per your installation guide diagram - See the sample drawing that follows.

Note two of the outside walls have the bearers doubled up as this provides support to the floor boards.

Composite bearers can be worked with normal wood working tools. 

You can cut to length using a cross cut saw, either powered or hand tool.

Screw the frame together using a 100x5mm screw or similar.

Author - Martin Corby
Posted - 01 Jun 2023

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