Why are Log Cabins not Pretreated

Log Cabin Kits

The timber used for the production of log cabins is kiln dried – this process reduces the moisture content in the wood to approximately 14%. By handling the wood in this way, the wall logs remain in a more uniform state allowing the tongue and groove joints to work better for a snug fit.

Conversely, should the timbers be pressure treated at this stage, the amount of movement is unpredictable within each component,  resulting  at best, in an unsatisfactory join and at worst, not fitting together at all. These are the reason why cabins are not pre-treated ! However, as soon after installation as possible, you must treat the external surfaces with an appropriate timber treatment.

Log Cabin On A Budget

Any surface that is going to come into  direct contact with precipitation or heavy moisture needs an application.

Author - Martin Corby
Posted - 03 Feb 2014

Disclaimer: This information is subject to change and as such, is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Readers are encouraged to verify the details independently.

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