5 Ways To Keep Spiders Out Your Log Cabin
Log Cabin Kits
Autumn means it is the start of mating season for spiders, and the autumn chill drives them all indoors, where all the female spiders live all year round, as well as a means to keep warm during the colder months of the year.
There are an incredible 650 different species of spider in the UK, and 10 common spiders that are found in homes, and some can potentially inflict a nasty bite. We have a look at some ways to ensure frisky spiders don’t set up a love nest in your home or log cabin this winter!

1. Essential oils
Spiders do not respond well to strong aromas, so to deter the eight-legged pests, try spinning some dabs of essential oils in areas you suspect they might be living or where they might be finding a way in.
Peppermint, tea-tree, lavender and rose all work well to keep them at bay. Infuse a spray bottle of water with 15-20 drops of your choice of essential oil to spay in those areas, and make sure you change the scene regularly to maintain its effectiveness.
2. Vinegar
Similarly, a spray bottle with a 50:50 ratio of vinegar and water can do the same trick. However, vinegar is acidic and can damage varnished surfaces, so please use this tip with caution.
3. Eucalyptus
The pungent odour of the eucalyptus tree has also been proven to repel spiders. The plant requires little maintenance and produces a beautiful smell, for humans at least! If you don't have room for a tree, mint and lavender beneath your windows will also work.
4. Citrus
Citrus is another smell that will drive spiders away. Try rubbing the peel of lemons and limes along skirting boards, window sills and bookshelves. Lemon-scented household sprays, polishes and candles, also work to repel the insects.
5. Cleaning
A clean log cabin is not a home for spiders. Regular cleaning will leave them nowhere to hide as they usually spin their webs in out of reach areas.
If you’re thinking of building a log cabin in the UK, visit our website today.
Author - Martin Corby
Posted - 16 Nov 2021
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