A World of Knowledge

Q : Does this cabin come with a side window and are the windows a ready assembled unit which you just fit into the cabin sides.

A : Yes, there is one side window that can be positioned on eitrher side during construction. Yes the windows are complete, to install, you fit face plates on all 4 edges and on both the inside and outside of the cabin

Q : Can you please advise the standard 5 x 5 Wales Log Cabin with the standard height I believe of 2700cm,would I need planning permission ?

A : The standard planning guidelines would allow this cabin to be installed it it were more than 2.0m from your boundary.If this distance is under 2.0m, then you would be restricted to a height of 2.5m - we can achieve this height if required.There may be other restrictions that apply to your situation and I suggest you take a look at this page for further guidance

Q : Are the sides, front and backmade into panels or they supplied in pank form? if they are panels what sie are they? are the windows already glazed, are the doors made?

A : The sides are made up from individual planks. Yes, the doors and windows are singles glased with glass

Q : If we move house is this (and other similar log cabins) able to be moved as well? Or once assembled can it not be moved? Many thanks.

A : There is no reason why is couldn't be moved. You will have to consider there may be damage to the roof and floor boards as they will have been nailed down

Q : What type and roughly how many screws or nails will I need to construct this cabin? Are there advantages of using screws over nails?

A : Yuo will need approx. 1200 2" galvanised nails for the roof and floor boards and 140 1 1/4" screws for the door and window frames

Q : Do the prices include vat?Thanks

A : Yes - all our prices include VAT

Q : Hello,The windows are they made of glass. If I add the veranda how big should the base be. How high should the base be? Should the top of the base be on ground level?Rgrds,Frank

A : All glazing is single glazed glass.Base including veranda should be no smaller than 3820mm wide x 4320mm deep.As long as the base is not lower than surrounding ground it can be any height

Q : what size of base do i need

A : Basement size 3,82x 3,82 m

Q : Could you tell me the internal dimensions in feet please. Bit confused as to whether measurements are external including roof overhang. We need to know the internal measurements. Thanks.

A : The internal dimensions are 15' 7" x 15' 7" (4750mm x 4750mm)

Q : I notice this house doesn't have any insulation, would this still be suitable to live in all year round? Do you do an insulation pack for the roof?

A : The Bristol House is very capable of being lived in all year. The main priority would be to insulate the roof and then floor. There is not a manufacturers option for this but take a look at the Royal cabin details for links to various insulation suppliers

Q : are there windows in both sides or just the one shown on picture

A : There is only 1 side window supplied with the kit, this can beplaced on either side

Q : Is it possible to have wall (a ) with french doors and window repeated again at the rear? I am looking to make a ticket office with public flow directly in and out of the building. If this is possible -what would be the total cost.

A : Yes, this is not a problem. To add another set of doors and window to match the front wall will be £320 incl VAT (You will need to cut the logs in wall A to accommodate these)

Q : Please advice price for shutters for door and windows

A : Door shutters are £174.00 and window shutters are £52.00 each

Q : does the price include roofing? thanks.

A : Yes - the price includes roof felt shingles

Q : Could you please advise delivery time and do recommend any particular type of base?

A : Delivery is usually within 3 to 5 weeks of the order being placed. you need to establish a firm level base, this is most easily achieved with a concrete pad

Q : Can we pay for installation?

A : Yes - price depends on your location. Can you please email your area

Q : how many screws and nails will i need and what size

A : Suggest 2" galvanised nails - around about 400

Q : we will be ordering the Derby log cabin as soon as the council give us written permission. we want the single door to be on the left hand side as shown in the promotion picture and NOT on the right hand side as shown on the assembly picture, is this possible? Can you also tell us what size base will be required please.

A : The base width is 4.32 mtr x 2.82 mtr depth, The door can be constructed either on the left or right side

Q : what is the wall height?are the windows double glazed?

A : The wall height is 1950mm.No, all the 34mm cabins are single glazed with glass

Q : Hi I’m interested in the Borneo but I have a few questions. Firstly how wide is the cavity between the 2 external leafs? Secondly would it be possible to customise the floor plan? What I have in mind would be a small vestibule kind of like the bath room on the rear (I’ll email you a cad model of what I’m talking about) on the front and incorporate the fiesta bath room into the Borneo floor plan to use as a store? Are these built in the UK? Would it be possible to have a custom kit constructed?Thanks Mark

A : The standard gap between walls is 50mm, this can be increased as required. We can also customise the floor plan, but this will incur additional costs. Send the drawing and we can price the building for you

Q : Can you send me drawings/plans of the floor constructionplease? Also what is the usual waiting time of delivery following order etc?

A : I will send the plans by seperate cover. Currrent lead time is between 2 and 4 weeks

Q : do you need planning permision

A : This will depend on your local planning office requirements. Sugest you call them and advise what you intend to do and gauge their reaction accordingly

Q : Do You Need Planning Permission For A House This Size?

A : Yes, you will need to discuss the building with your local planning office

Q : Hello,have you got any 3m x 3m log cabins with bi-folding double doors thanks

A : Sorry no, none of our standard designs are equipped with bi-fold doors.

Q : is the wales model 4 x 4 suitable to put a hot tub into regarding the weight when filled with water?

A : Yes - but suggest you "beef" up the floor bearers and increase the number by reducing gap between centres

Q : Q. I am awaiting delivery of a Trentino Plus 4x3 and want to obtain any fixing items neede to complete the assembly. The website only refers to the following note - "Items required to complete the construction include screws and nails to fix roof boards and bitumen shingles".I need to know what size/type of screws and nails will be needed to fit roof boards and shingles.Also, does the floor need to be fixed by screws and/or bolted to the concrete base? If so, what size/type screws/bolts will be needed.

A : Working from the floor upwards :You will need 2" nails to secure the floor boards, approx 200. 80 x 1.5" screws to secure window and door frames, approx 400 2" nails for the roof boards and approx 1000 19mm felt nails for the shingles

Q : do you need planning permission to site the 5m by 5m cabin?does a hard surface provide a better base?how long should the cabin last?how secure can you make them ie. can they be alarmed?

A : Suggest you glance over our page on regulations regarding the planning issue. As long as the base is firm and level then any means is acceptable.As long as the timbers are treated correctly, then a life span of 12 years plus is easily achieved.Yes, the cabin can be alarmed to improve security.

Q : Do the dimensions on your website indicate the roof area or the actual enclosed internal area?

A : 3 x 4 refers to the log length. The internal dimensions of this cabin are 3770 x2770mm

Q : Hi, is it possible to swap the end walls to put the window at the other end of the Stella cabin?

A : Yes, this is not a problem.

Q : do you have a scale drawing for this cabbin, as where we were wanting to put it needs to be change of use to the land?

A : Sorry no. The only drawings we have are the assembly guides

Q : hi, do i need planning permission for these log cabins

A : In theory no, however we strongly advise you consult your local planning office as each area do have their own sub directions !

Q : Can the double door be on the left and the window on the right as this is what i need

A : Yes - the doors and window positions are interchangeable

Q : does the cabin come with roofing felt. Also I live just beside Glasgow airport but your shipping classes PA codes as Scottish Highlands do i get delivery at the Uk Mainland Rate?

A : The cabin does not come with any roofing material. We offer the shingles as an option. Sorry - our hauliers dictate the shipping rates and the post code PA falls into the higher bracket

Q : Hello/ I am interested in the Trentino Plus 5x4 log cabin.I live in Barnsley South Yorks. Can you arrange fitting and if so for how much. Thank You.

A : Sorry, we are unable to operate in this area

Q : Can you please let me know if any of the windows open, or are they fixed. If fixed, is there an option for opening windows?Also, can the large 'end' window be positioned in the opposite end wall (LHS from front)?Thank you.

A : All the windows open. The window in the end wall can be positioned either in the left or right wall

Q : Is there any insulation in the floor or roof with this cabin? If not can you suggest an alternative that does?

A : There are no insulation options for this cabin "off the shelf" but it is simple to insulate the roof by placing celotex sheets on the supplied roof boards covering this with sheets of plywood before applying either roofing felt or shingles.

Q : you dont state what the roof is constructed of?

A : Pirlins support 19mm tongue and groove boards

Q : We have just ordered a Lusia (5meter wide by 4 meter deep) and would like to know the following:1) What size concrete base should be built?2) Can / should the floor or ceiling be insulated for winter use?3) It states that screws and nails will be needed- what sizes will I need?4) Any other significant tips you can provide?RegardsSimon

A : The base area required is 4.84 x 3.84 m.Insulation - suggest you lay insulation between the floor bearers before the floor boards are fixed. See how you get on and if need be retro fit some further insulation in the ceiling.Nails - 2" galvanised are appropriate.Tip - Betwen the concrete base and floor joists put a strip of roofing felt 6" wide to act as a damp proof course.

Q : what wood treatment/preserve can you recommend for the Clovelly 34mm cabin

A : We always recomend an oil based timber treatment such as Cuprinol Shed and Fence Preserver

Q : if you choose not to have the veranda is there any roof overhang at all. how much roof overhang is there down the sides.

A : The canopy width is approx 1000mm and the roof overhangs the sides by approx. 200mm

Q : can you tell me if the price of 2699 + the veranda for 257 IS Vat included in the price for the 5mx5mhow do you take payment and if there is a credit card fee how much

A : All prices shown are inclusive of VATWe are able to accept credit cards, bank transfers and cheques as payment - there is no additional fee for using a credit card

Q : Hi, What are the dimensions of the veranda and is there anywhere that there is one of these put up that I can look at. In Surrey / South London ideally.

A : The verandas are all 1.5m deep.Sorry no, we do not have a static display area.

Q : the option of a log cabin shell might work out o.k we are looking at the 3m x 3m helston cabin. One more question ,on your options can you supply roof installation as we would like to use the cabin during the winter monthswould your cabins need this

A : We don't supply insulation kits as such but suggest you view th following page that shows how to insulate the roof :

Q : Is it possible to change the doors around to suit my site i would need the outside door on the right side of the biulding and swope the doubble door and the window around

A : Yes - the cabin is reversible as required

Q : How much to deliver and install in cambridshire?

A : Delivery is £44.00 Installation is likely to be in the region of £4000.00 depending on actual location and accessability

Q : can gas central heating be installed in the log cabin

A : We have no experience using this form of heating. Suggest you contact a Gas Safe installer for their opinion

Q : can you tell me the canopy size and the internal size of cabin.thanks

A : The canopy is 1300mm. The internal dimensions are approx. 2770 x 2770

Q : can you have the door and window on the 4mtr sideas this is what we need on either of the Luton models

A : Yes, not a problem.This spec is available on the 4x5 model

Q : do you need planning permission for putting one or even two of these wooden houses in your garden?

A : Yes - planning will be required

Q : Do the cabins all have double grooved interlocking wallboards?

A : Yes, the 44mm logs are all double tongue and grooved

Q : Caan you tell me what size nails are needed to fix the shingles?Do you get a choice of straight or scolloped shingles?

A : Use 15mm felt nails for the shingles. We currently only offer the straight edged shingles

Q : hi do you provide finance on this item

A : Sorry no - we are not in a position to offer finance

Q : Are the windows and doors galzes with Glass or plastic?

A : Single glazed glass

Q : What type of wood is the cabin made from?

A : It will either be Spruce or Russian Redwood. The type just depends on which is going through the mill at the time of production. If you have a preference (and potentially hsappy to wait a little) then please contact the office to discuss

Q : Are the floor joists pressure treated against rot. If your people assemble it do they treat the wood?Thanks.

A : All the floor joists are pressure treated. Treatment of all non treated wood is an optional extra when using our installation service

Q : Do your houses comply with building regulations/standards/control? If so could I build on land with full planning permission & be able to use as my main UK residence?What foundations or base do you advise? Thanks

A : In their standard form, the multi room cabins do not comply with Building Regulations

Q : where to view log cabin/houses

A : Sorry, we do not have a display area

Q : Are the windows glass or perspex?

A : Single glazed glass

Q : Could you please tell me if I dont buy the additional shingle roof what type of roof does the log cabin come with as standard.

A : Only the Cambourne cabins come with shed felt as standard - all the other cabins will need something purchased to protect from the weather.

Q : what are the windows glazed with.

A : Single glazed glass

Q : hi just wondered how much you would say this would come to after installing electrics, water, roofing and all other essentials????

A : This really depends on the rates charged by your local professionals, location etc

Q : Does it come with bolts to fix it to the concrete base, and if not, can you recommend what would be appropriate?

A : The kit does not come with fixings for base attachment. In most cases, this is unnecessary as the weight of the cabin will keep it in place. If you feel your location demands these fixings then suggest a frame fixing of sorts from somewhere like Screwfix

Q : I need an extra space to do art work out side the house. I don't need loads of space but lots of light.We will need it to be erected by you, and are looking at options at the moment, can you help?

A : Yes most definately. Are you local to East Grinstead ? Can I call you to discuss further ??

Q : sorry forgot to leave my address if you intended in sending me assembly instructions?!Paul Gorman, 49 Naunton Crescent, Leckhampton, CHeltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7BD.

A : You are able to download a copy of the assembly guide at the following address :https://logcabinkits.co.uk/assembly-instructions/273.pdf

Q : How much would the insulation panels cost to do the whole building

A : We do not have thew insulation options available. You will get a better deal at your local builders merchants.

Q : I am very interested in the Luton log cabin. However can you supply it in 5m width x 3m depth.I have inquired with other suppliers who are happy to do this size. Also can the price be improved upon as I have received quotes of £1998 which included an extra window and 14mm double glazing to all windows and double door, £1895 for an extra window and roof singles. Both quotes included delivery pressure treated floor bearers and 19mm T&G roof and floor

A : Sorry, we are unable to supply this size cabin

Q : What size should the base be for the Royal double skin house?

A : A base of 6 x 6m will suit the Royal Double Skin Log House

Q : Can you please confirm the dimensions of this log cabinI have the space to accommodate a cabin that is 3 metres wide but I require a cabin that is less than 3 metres front to back. What is the depth of this log cabin?

A : The cabin depth is 2.5m plus 700mm canopy extending to the front

Q : live in uckflied e sussex where can we view your logcabins

A : You can view a Trentino Plus 3x3 at our location by prior arrangement. Please call the office to discuss

Q : Can the cabins be built to our own specifications(3.8m x 3.2m) and is it possible to not have the roof ovehang?e.g on the Luton model

A : Custom builds are available but not surprisingly are a lot more expensive - let me know if you would like a price for the size given. It would be more cost effective to purchase the Luton 4x3 and carry out some DIY on the roof to remove the canopy ?

Q : how mutch would it cost to deliver to strabane co tyrone N.I.

A : Approx. £700.00

Q : what planning do you need ,and can they be used as main living quarters

A : This will depend on your location, proposed useage and any other local restrictions that may be in place. Suggest contacting your local planning office to establish their requirements for such a building.

Q : Do you supply any cabins with 1 entrance and 1 exit 2 doors in total

A : Sorry, no.

Q : Can you please tell me the package size of Devon 5x4 and Trentino Plus 5x4 for shipment abroad purposes

A : Both cabins are much the same as far as pack size and weight.W110H104L552Wt1852

Q : Dear SirWhat would be the cost of transportation to Northern Spain (Galicia). Also, what size vehicle would be required if I were to collect? ie 7.5 or 16 tonne.

A : Can you let me have the actual address for delivery calculations.The packs total 9.8tonnes for the Lincoln house

Q : Does this cabin supplied with floor?Also, please quote for a 6m x 4m version of this cabin

A : Yes, this cabin comes with a floor as standard.

Q : Hi,I'm hoping to buy a Devon 4m x 4m log cabin but I need to check a few sizes first. How big does the base have to be as the base timbers are 4.1m long?The cabin will be in the corner of a garden, how far does the base need to be from the border so that the roof does not overhang the fence?

A : A base that is 4m x 4m will be sufficient.The roof overhangs the walls by approx 200mm

Q : Can this cabin be supplied with a maximum risge height of 2.5m

A : It will depend which size Devon cabin you are interested in. Please advise ?

Q : Hi how much is delivery to LS16 7AT and also delivery time please. thanks.

A : Delivery to the LS postcode is currently £120.00

Q : Is it possible to get the Katrin log cabin with a lower roof. If the apex of the roof could be lowered to under 4m I wouldn't need planning permission. Thanks

A : Yes, this cabin can be manufactured with a ridge height of say, 3.9m at no additional cost

Q : Regarding the shingle tiles I have looked at the sketches and there appears to be sheets and edgings shown under the tiles. What are these and are they supplied ?

A : If the shingles are bought as an optional extra, enough ridge tiles are provided not only to run the length of the ridge, but also as a the first run of tiles along the roof edge

Q : Hi, Can you tell me what the width of the cabin is including the eaves please. Can you also tell me how much prior notice you give when you are ready to deliver?

A : Total width including the eaves is approx. 4.6mGenerally the notice period is at least 3 days. If the proposed date is not convenient, then you are able to negotiate a better date with out hauliers.

Q : What is the delivery time at this time & could you give an aprox weight for the Clovelly 4x3

A : Delivery is currently up to 8 weeks. Approx weight for the cabin is 1043kg

Q : Hello, Im looking for a log cabin to use as an annexe to a property. The Valmorel Log House looks very interesting! I was wondering about insulation? I see you do an insulated roof, do you do any insulation to the walls or floor?Thanks Andrew Pinder

A : Take a look at the Royal Log House, this boasts double skinned roof and walls and may be of interest to you ?

Q : how much do you charge to erect a log cabin of the size of 5x5 metres?

A : In the local area, £690.00

Q : Hi,Does the Wales and Luton come with side windows as well as the front window and door? Are the windows opening ones? What are the floor and roof made from? Is it glass in the windows?ThanksPeter

A : Both the Luton and Wales come with side windows.The roof and floor are made from 19mm tongue and groove boardsAll glazing is glass

Q : Hello I am wondering do you have one of these erected at your premises that can be viewed before I place an order.

A : Currently no (sorry !) - we intend to have a show site up and running by the end of Feb, locally to East Grinstead

Q : Re: Clovelly Log Cabin 3x3Hi, I wondered if you could send me a catalogue and in particular I am interested in the above and more photos of a real one contructed, inside and out?Address - 79 Bath Road, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire BA15 2PBThanks,Caroline

A : We currently only have the stock photos - do you still wish to recieve a brochure ?

Q : What is the side and rear overhang of the roof.Thanks

A : Approx. 300mm

Q : Hello, would this building need planning permission?

A : In most cases the answer will be yes - it is always best to check with your local planning office if you are in any doubt

Q : Can you confirm that the doors wiil open fully so that they may be pinned against the front wall?

A : The doors do not quite sit flush against the front wall as they foul against the protruding roof joists supporting the front canopy

Q : Do you get all the fixture in the house, like toilet, kitchen?

A : No, only the building itself - no internal fixtures

Q : Can you advise on delivery time thanks

A : Current lead times are between 3 and 5 weeks

Q : Can a BS3621 lock be provided with the kit?

A : If this type of lock was required, you would need to fit it as an after market add on.

Q : How high is the door and how big is the overhang and is this included in the size shown?

A : The Double Door is 1295 x 1770mm.The canopy is 900mm and is not included in the 4x5m dimension

Q : do i need planning permission

A : Yes you will need to discuss the building with your local planning office

Q : Do u install fully & what is the price?

A : Yes, we can offer an installation service. Costs start from £540.00 onto a prepared base and will depend on your location. For a full quotation, please contact the office

Q : Is the roof timber 19mm T&G as the floor

A : Yes, the roof boards are 19mm tongue and groove

Q : price in american dollars

A : We are unable to ship to the USA, is this what you were hoping ?

Q : What are the INTERNAL dimensions of the Luton 5x5 log cabin, please?

A : Internal dimensions are approx. 4920 x4920mm

Q : Please could you cconfirm the interior measurements of this cabin and also that it does come with a side window as that is not shown on the assembly instructions.Thank you.

A : Internal measurements are approx. 2730x2730mm.Yes - there is a side window which can be placed on either side


A : There is not a veranda specifically for the Derby, but with some DIY you can adapt a standard 5m wide 34mm veranda to fit, such as that sold with either the Wales or Luton range

Q : What is the thickness of the floor and roof boards and are they boards or individual lats?Can the side window be positioned on any side?What is the maximum height of the apex?What is the height at the lowest point of the roof internal.Many Thanks

A : Roof and floor boards are 19mm thick and individual boards. The side window can be positioned on either side. Overall height is 2800mm. The eaves are approx. 2000mm

Q : Hi, can you tell me the thickness of the floor and is the roof tongue and groove or sheet, thank you

A : The floor and roof boards are 19mm tongue and groove boards

Q : Do you deliver to Northern Ireland

A : Sorry, no.

Q : Hi, can you deliver this cabin to Co. Wicklow in Ireland? If so, please send a delivery quotation. Thank you.

A : Sorry, we are unable to ship to Ireland

Q : What is the wall height, & the maximum internal height. (I would like to install a sleeping platform to make best use of the space).Thanks

A : The wall heightis 2.0m and the internal ridge is 2.8m

Q : Can you get the Stella or similar in 16ft x 10 ft ext 34 or 44 mm log

A : The standard size is 16' 5" x 9' 10" in either 44mm or 34mm logs. Will this size suit your requirements ?

Q : We would like to purchase this item but are unsure if we will need planning permision?Do you have a showroom where this item may be on display?

A : We have a Trentino Plus 3x3 available for viewing at the office address. If you wish to view, please call first to arrange a convenient time

Q : How nuch would it cost to deliver to the Isle of Arran?

A : We are only able to deliver to the port on UK mainland. Onward transportation would have to be arranged by yourself

Q : How high is the bottom edge of the window from the floor please?

A : Approximately 900mm

Q : Hi, I was wondering if you could deliver to Jersey in the channel Islands and would you deduct the VAT off the cabin.Thanks very much

A : Sorry, we are unable to deliver to the Channel Islands

Q : We are interested in purchasing the Luton Shed - would you ship this to South Africa ? We only require the floor - walls - doors - & frames but not the roof. What would the price be ? as well as shipping costs

A : Sorry, but we are only able to ship to a UK port

Q : Can the Rumas 5x4 Log Cabin actually be 5m x 4m internal dimensions and approx 9 feet at ridge?

A : This is possible, but the price will reflect the custom build nature

Q : We are considerig to buying the above log cabin with a veranda and roof shingles.Could you tell us the price of installing including the concrete base.We are located in Gosport Hants on the border with Fareham Hants.Kind Regards.

A : Sorry, I'm afraid we are currently not installing in the Hampshire area.

Q : Please advise delivery period

A : We can generally deliver in 3 to 5 weeks of the order being placed

Q : cab these be put straight on to a concrete base or do they need timbers to sit on so water can drain away,and it wont rot the floor.

A : The cabin comes with flor bearers as part of the kit to maintain a gap between the floor and supporting structure

Q : Does the standard price include two windows and the doors or are any of these extras? Many Thanks

A : Yes, the Wales 4x4 has a set of double doors and double window on the front elevation and one double window that can be positioned on either side.The only additions will be some screws and nails and roofing felt

Q : Can the window be installed at either side of the cabin? There does not appear to be a window shown on the installation instructions? Finally, what is anticipated delivery time - Glasgow UK. Thanks

A : The side window can be positioned either on the left or right hand side. You can choose this on installation.Current delivery is between 2 and 5 weeks

Q : Does the wood need to be treated?And how long do you think they will last?

A : Yes, all external timbers will need to have regular treatment (according to paint manufacturers instructions) for the cabin to last in excess of 15 years

Q : Can the side window be fitted on either side ?

A : Yes, the side walls are interchangeable and therefore you can choose to position the side window either on the left or right

Q : Do you need planning permission for this? we have a house, stables annd other outbuildings set in 2 acres of landKind RegardsDoug Barnwell

A : For a building of this size it is always worth a call to your local planning office to confirm their requirements

Q : can you please provide details of the internal measurements. Also, is it possible to add extra double doors ?

A : The internal dimensions are approx. 3730mm x 4730mm. Where would you like the extra double door ?

Q : does this cabin come with the fixtures inculded in the price . is there any finance on these cabinss

A : No fixtures are included. We currently are unable to offer any finance deals

Q : do you deliver to co Galway Eire?

A : Sorry - no

Q : would i need planing for a log cabin?

A : You would have to speak with your local planning office to establish this.

Q : can you get it pre-treated

A : Sorry no, this facility is not available

Q : What is the roof made from please? 19mm T&G same as the floor?Mnay thanks

A : Yes, the roof is constructed from 19mm tongue and groove boards

Q : can you provide different sizes. I woul prefer a 3.5x5 cabin.

A : Sorry no - they are bought in as kits in the sizes offered.

Q : can you get a bigger version of this with 3+ bedrooms?thanks

A : Sorry no - this is the only size available in this kit

Q : Do you need to lay the 3x2 joists 2" or 3" high? Is there a cabin of this type available to view? We live in the West Yorkshire area but are willing to travel. What is the delivery time for this cabin and if we are happy to allow viewings would we qualify for the 5% discount? Thanks

A : The joists are generally laid on their 2" edge. There are currently no examples of this model in the Yorkshire area - sorry. Delivery is currently between 2 and 4 weeks.The 5% discount scheme may be available at point of purchase depending when this might be

Q : Could you tell me what the measurement is on the inside of the cabin, from the window to the corner. My plan is to install a log burner with a flu, and I need to know what the clearance is from the corner to each window. Also if I wanted only one window next to the door, would you be able to accomodate that. Thank you

A : The distance from the window to the corner is approx 660mm. Yes, would be able to change out the double window for a single casement on the front elevation if this were required

Q : Is it possible to have double doors on this cabin?

A : Yes, not a problem Take a look at the Trentino Plus 5x5

Q : what fixings will i need for the cabin. will 13mm clout nails do for the roof shingles. and will i get full instructions for assembley thanks

A : You will need approx 200 screws for the door and window frames and approx. 800 nails for the roof and floor boards. 13mm clout nails will be fine for the shingles. Full assembly guide is provided with the cabin

Q : Approxomate delivery time

A : Currently working between 3 and 5 week schedule

Q : Could the Door be swapped with the position of the window on the left hand side?

A : Yes, you can construct the front wall with the door on either the right or left hand side

Q : can the door be changed to a single door and a window added

A : Can I suggest you look at the Luton range for this spec ?


A : The Clovelly 3x3 has windows either side of the double doors and on one side

Q : if placed in back garden is council permission required? also, will the council demand extra rates

A : In theory no planning permission is required for this cabin however we strongly recomend you calling your local planning office to satisfy all eventualities. A cabin of this nature should not effect your rates

Q : Hello,what will the costs be for transporting the Lincoln house to Belgium (nearby Aachen, Germany)? And if we want two Lincoln houses?Are the pipes for plumming and heating, and the cables for electric, and so on, allready installed and if not do we have to drill this into the wood?Is it possible to make a cellar first, on which the Lincoln then is placed?How long do we have a warranty on the house(s)? And what is includes into this warranty?How many times do we have to treat the wood from the outside and with what?Regards Jean.

A : None of the services are laid in the cabin. It is best to surface mount and cover.As long as the cellar provided a firm and level base onto which the cabin was positioned then there should be no problem - you would need to consult with a structural engineer for peace of mind.The warranty on all untreated wood is five years - looked after with regular treatment, your cabin will last esily in excess of 15 years

Q : what are the internal floor measurements & is floor strong enough to store garden tractor/grass collection box attached?

A : Internal dimensions are 3770 x 2770mm. The floor is reasonably strong. depending on the weight of your tractor combination it may be prudent to increase the number of floor bearers

Q : Will one side of the roof take the wait of solar panels?

A : It depends what style os solar panels are employed, but most will be fine

Q : Hi there. Is it possible for the Trentino Plus cabin to have a smaller canopy overhang?

A : This best achieved by cutting the canopy to the required size during or after the build.

Q : what building regulations are there, to building a 4m x 5m log cabin in a garden

A : If you are referring to required planning permission, generaly none are required, unless you live in an area where the planners are very strict due to enviromental issues. If you are in any doubt, contact your local planning office for advise

Q : Hello,Can you please tell me what to screw the 2 part fascia boards to. Mine have come in 2 parts with nothing in the centre to fit to. Does the rain wash over the top of it or should there be a gap between the felt & boards? Is it supposed to be flush with the felt?Thanks, Mick Marshall

A : The fascia board should be attached to the gable fascia and into the ends of the roof boards. There is a diamond shaped piece of wood that fits over the join. It is good practise to position the felt 5mm over the edge of the fascia board so that the waterfalls straight to the ground rather than run down the front of the fascia.

Q : What is the roof height at the highest point?

A : Approx 2.6m

Q : Please advise delivery time scale

A : This cabin will be available in mid October

Q : will we need planning permision for yor erection

A : In most cases, a cabin with this spec will not require planning permission unless the proposed position compromises planning regs

Q : How deep do we need the concrete base?

A : Certainly no less than 4" (100mm) is advised

Q : what are the windows glazed with ?what is delivery time on the Clovelly 4 x 3

A : The Clovelly cabin has single glazed windows in glass.Current lead time is approx. 3 to 5 weeks

Q : Would it be possible to self assemble on a pre-prepared base. Also once constructed would you say that the Nottingham would be suitable for occassional guest accomodation?Thank you

A : The Nottingham can be constructed by any persons with general building or DIY skills without to much trouble. The "loft" area is only suitable for storage or very small people sleeping area as it is only 5ft at the pitch. Otherwise, the cabin is most suited with its multi room layout.

Q : Hi, I have a few questions regarding the \'Trentino Plus 3 x 4 Log cabin. 1) Do the bearers need to be bolted down or can I use a plastic base (eg \'Ecobase)?2) What type of lock is provided?3) Can I decide before installation what side the window is on or do I have to specify when ordering?4) Do the floor boards go straight onto the bearers or is there something in between?Thanks

A : No, the bearers do not need to be bolted to a base. The lock is a cylinder type. The kit is the same whichever side the window is positioned in. Yes, the floor boards are nailed directly onto the floor bearers.

Q : I am interested in this cabin and would like to know the approximate time from placing an order to delivery.I would also like to know the rough cost from your sub-contractors to assemble it please.Thanks.

A : Current lead time is approx. 3 weeks. Depending on your location, installation is likely to be £480.00

Q : Hi, Just bought a Pro 4 climbing frame and was looking on the site for log cabins. The Lusia 5x4 looks like the thing I want, however I may need the roof pitch increasing and also instead of double windows at the front could they be replaced with an up and over or roller type garage door?I presume the front face as per the image is 5m long and depth is 4m?What size foundation base dimensions should I build for it?Thanks

A : We always state the width first in our dimensions, therefor ein this case, as you suggest, the width is 5m and the depth 4m.The base size required for the Lusia 5x4 is 4840x 3840mm

Q : Can a roof light be fitted to the roof?Regards

A : With some careful DIY work, the fitting of a roof light is possible

Q : can you provide some information on the roof and floor, size etc

A : The roof and floor are made from 19mm tongue and groove boards

Q : Do you have an Installation Team and if so, what is the cost of Installation for The Trentino Plus 4x5 Cabin in the Kent Area with Felt Shingles. Thanks

A : Yes, we can install in the Kent area. Cost to install onto a prepared base is currently £590.00 depending on actual location

Q : is it possible for a member of your team to install the log cabin?

A : Yes, depending on your location

Q : Hello there - are you please able to provide this cabin with a veranda and under 2.5m high? Many thanks, Sandra Walker

A : Yes, we can produce the cabin with a max ridge height of 2.5m. There is no extra charge for this. We can supply a veranda in 44mm logs at the current price of £369.00

Q : Hi! Please can you tell me if you do extra windows and also how long it would take for delivery? Many thanks

A : Yes, extra windows are available. We are awaiting more stock from the manufacturer but do not know current production plans. This could mean a lead time of 8 weeks

Q : Please tell me the dimensions of the floor and roof boards.

A : Both are 19mm thick tongue and groove boards

Q : What is the approximate waiting time for delivery after placing an order.

A : We are currently servicing orders between 4 and 5 weeks

Q : are these houses recommended for full time living in,how would i heat one and do you know about planning requirements

A : It is not adviseable for a 44mm log single skinned for full time living. Suggest either a thicker log or double skinned. There are a number of ways you can heat a cabin including electric, gas and natural fuels such as a wood burner.You wuld need to contact your local planning office to establish their requirements

Q : Can you please tell me the approx weight of the Manchester Cabin.Thanks

A : Approx 2300kg

Q : I can find no mention of VAT. Is the sale price of £1813 inclusive of VAT?Ben Cross

A : Yes - all our prices are inclusive of VAT


A : Canopy length on the Clovelly 3x3 is 450mm (1' 6") The internal floor area is 81 sq ft

Q : Just wondered what the roof overhang either end and sides was? As potentially looking at something like this with an outer straw bale (non supporting) wall - and wondered if additional \'overhang\' was an option?Many thanks,Rick

A : The overhang at each end is approximately 350mm and to the front and back, approximately 240mm

Q : HiRe the Alpine 5 x 4 log cabin Does this come pre painted as shown or in natural wood?Thanks,

A : Only the bearers on which the cabin sits are pre-treated. All other timbers are untreated

Q : wil a 4x3 come with shindls

A : Not as standard. We offer them as an optional extra to the kit

Q : Please could you tell me what kind of wood is used for the clockhouse cabin. Thanks

A : All our cabins are produced in either Spruce or Russian Redwood - if you have a preference, please advise at point of order. This may, however, result in a slightly longer lead time if we have to wait for a particular wood species for production

Q : can you provide me with an erection? if so how much for a 3 x 4 Clovelly

A : This depends on your location and site.Please contact Garden Adventure on 01342 477774

Q : Hello, Does this price include the up and over garage door?

A : Sorry no - the kit does not include the up and over metal door

Q : what si the detaield construction of the cabin

A : Youcan now find the installation guide on the details page for the Wales 5x4. Please email if you cannot find them.

Q : would you need planning permission to put this in a garden?

A : In theory, no. All the dimensions fall within permitted deveopment.If you are n any doubt, give your local planning office a call

Q : Do you think the Valmorel would be warm enough to live in all year around in the Falkland Islands. Climate is similar to the UK apart from we have a colder wind chill.

A : Without further insulation, probably not. Would suggest either self build insulation or the better option would be a double skinned cabin

Q : The mm to ft changer is not working...Please let me know all dimensions of this log cabin based on feet. I also need to have the rate in US dollars and shipping in US dollars. Do the instructions come list US measurements? Is this cabin insulated for MN winters? Do any plambing or electrical come with the kit?

A : We are unable to ship to the states - sorry

Q : would it be possible to replace a side window with an extra door

A : Yes, not a problem. Approx price for additional door - £160

Q : how thick are the roof boards?

A : The roof boardsd are 19mm thick

Q : Is it possible to add insulation and an internal skin after erection of this cabin?

A : It will not be a problem to install a stud partition wall and insulate between the 2 walls.

Q : how long would you expect 2 competent builders to take to build the 5x5 wales. Alternatively 2 competent DIYers?

A : Between 1 and 2 days

Q : How many opening windows comes with this kit Trentino Plus 4m x 5m and does the floor come with this, what is the delivery time ? many thanks

A : Both the front and side windows open totalling 4. The floor comes as part of the standard kit. Delivery is generally between 2 and 5 weeks

Q : 3 questionsIt states that the wall roof and floor boards of your Wales 5 x 5 log cabins are untreated. Does this mean they will rot unless I protect them?Can you provide all the correct and neccesary screws and tiles nails to complete the job.Is the roof overhang in addition to the 5m x 5m footprint of the cabin

A : Yes untreated / protected timber will rot if exposed to excessive moisture.Sorry we are not set up to provision the screws and nails, suggest an online retailer such as screwfix or a high street outlet such as Homebase.The roof overhang is in addition to the 5x5 footprint

Q : any extra protection needed under the shingle tiles? and are these stuck as well as being nailed?under

A : No, the shingles can be placed directrly onto the roof boards. 5 nails per "slab" is required as they will adhere to the tiles above by the bitumen pasted on the tile from manufacture

Q : a want installation hao mach

A : This will depend on your location

Q : Which is the best Log Cabin for a Hot Tub (2.19m x 2.19m x 1,0m high) As much Glass at the front and side as possible to take in the view. I have my own Slates to match in with the house is that a problem ?Hope ou can help

A : The Clovelly is our most glazed option and additional side windows can be purchased as required.

Q : Can your log cabins be shipped to the Republic of Ireland?

A : Yes, but they carry an enhanced shipping rate. Let me have your address and I can get a quote, otherwise you are most welcome to organise yur own transport to pick up the goods from our warehouse in Colchester

Q : do you have to have internal walls? interested in external only

A : The Valmorel with no internal walls is called the Lodge

Q : what is the deliverey time

A : Generally between 3 and 5 weeks

Q : How large is the interior of the Manchester log cabin?

A : Internal dimensions of the room are approx. 3930 x 3760

Q : Hello, I was about the check out on the Trentino Plus Log cabin 5x4 and I can't see if it comes with double glazing on the doors and windows? Please confirm. Thanks

A : Yes, all our cabins produced in 44mm wall logs come with double glazing as standard

Q : Hi, how much does the roof overhang to the sides and can this be reduced?

A : The overhang is approx 200mm This length could be reduced to approx. 100mm on installation

Q : what is the height of the roof on this cabin, and how far out does the canopy come?

A : The ridge height is 2.6m and the canopy length is 1300mm

Q : do you need planning permission

A : In theory no, but if in any doubt, always check with your local planning office

Q : Can you tell me the weight of the cabin please

A : Approximately 1.5tonnes (1500kg)

Q : if i paid for the wales 4/3 this week when would it arrive ? Does it have a locks on the doors and windows. regards gina

A : Currently delivery is between 2 and 4 weeks.The door has a mortice and latch, the windows have a standard lever arm system

Q : Is the derby log cabin as handed in your online picture or as your picture in the instructions guide which is opposite hand,thankyou.

A : The Derby can be constructed in either manner

Q : do the log cabins come with a guarantee?

A : The cabins are guaranteed for a five year period assuming correct installation. Of course their life span is way beyond this with regular maintenance and care

Q : Hello. What sort of base would I require for a Clovelly log cabin?

A : You need to achieve a firm and level base. This can be a concrete base, sleepers, paving slabs or blocks

Q : does the size include the over hang, if so what is the size of the actual cabin

A : No, the size quoted does not include the canopy.

Q : I am very intrested in the Nottingham log cabin, Do you know where I can see one on display?I live in Bicester, OxonRegards

A : Unfortunately we currently do not have a display unit in your area. Should you have any specific questions, please call or email

Q : What is the height of Wales 4x4 please?

A : Overall height is 2.7m

Q : hi could you please let me know if you have any more information on this log cabin . do you have any on display & how long would it be from ordering to delivery thanks dave

A : Can you be more specific witht eh additional information required ? We currently only have a Trentino Plus 3x3 on display. Currently, leasdt times are typically between 2 and 4 weeks

Q : Do you do an insulation pack for this cabin?

A : Unfortunately there is nothing available "off the shelf" for this cabin

Q : we were hoping for an open plan area is this possible?Also I have called the mobile number and the telephone number and havent received a call back.That was from last Friday am.My telephone number is 07846 565306Thanks

A : Sorry no. The cabin needs the internal walls for structural stability

Q : Hi I am looking to install a 44 mm 5m x 5m cabin.Can you supply an insulated floor or plans of how to install floor insulation during build.I have a had a type 1 scalpings hrd core base installed and vibrated until really solid. Is this suitable for a timber base.Do you install in Scotland if so what cost.cheers Kevin

A : Take a look at this article on under floor insulation. The cabin will require a firm, level and stable base. If your compressed scalpings conforms to these criteria, then yes, it will be ok ! We have a limited installation service in Scotland which will depend on your location - please contact the office to discuss.

Q : sorry me again can u also tell me what the floor and roof would be made from thanks

A : Both the roof and flor are constructed of 19mm tongue and groove boards

Q : when it states 4x5 is that 4m wide across the front ?

A : Yes - we always state the width first

Q : hi, i was just wandering if i bought the lincoln house without shingles/ roof tiles will the price drop?poppy

A : By not having the shingles we could offer a price reduction of approx. £580.00

Q : What type of wood is the cabin constructed from?

A : European redwood

Q : is the store cuboard on the left or the right the picture shows the left the installation instructions show the right?

A : The kit can be installed in either direction

Q : Do you provide a full width verandah with this product please? If so what are the costs, spec and delivery and installation charges? I live in the AL postcode area.

A : Sorry no - There is not a veranda that suits the Highlander. Delivery to postcode AL is currently FREE ! Installation charges are approx. £650

Q : Dear sirs , i am very much interrested in purchasing one ( plymouth 5x5 ) but i need your best quote CIF beirut Lebanon . I would also like to discuss the possibility of representing you in lebanon .

A : Sorry we are unable to ship to Lebanon

Q : are the 4m metre back wall logs 1 length. I was just thinking of storeage before build. Thanks

A : Each log is a seperate item, ie 4.0m x 44mm x 130mm


A : This will depend on the actual cabin chosen and your location, but prices would be in the region of £600

Q : I am interested in the Luton 5X5. Do you deliver to Northern Ireland and if so what would the cost be.Many thanks

A : Please advise destination town to calculate shipping - thanks

Q : Does the Clovelly Cabin have windows on both sides and if so, it it possible to not have a window on both sides?Thanks

A : This kit has only one side window as standard

Q : what base can the cabin go onto please? Do you offer a full build/installation service? If so what is the cost for this on this building please? Can you fit electrics and water to this building incl RCD units etc or do these have to be done after the building is erected by independent contractors.The building is to go at the bottom of our land and to be used as an office.Many thanks,Erika

A : A cabin this size really needs a full concrete plinth to sit on. Yes, we offer an installation service, costs start from £1600 depending on your location. Yes, no reason to not fit electrics and water supply. Will the cabin be subject to planning permission and Building Regs ? Please email sales@logcabinkits.co.uk to further discuss

Q : Can you supply/deliver to Spain,or do you have a Spanish subsidiary company I can contact.?

A : Yes, we can deliver to Spain. Let me know exactly what location and which cabin and we can put a price together

Q : Please can you advise me on how big a concrete base should be and how thick to take the wales 4x4 with a veranda also can you supply wood preserve to treat the cabin and give me a price for the cabin , veranda, wood preserve and delivery to hertfordshire

A : In total, the concrete pad should be 4.0m wide by 5.5m deep. The pad thickness should be no less than 100mm depending on sub strate type and inclusion of metal mesh within the concrete.We currently do not stock a treatment product for wood, suggest B and Q / Homebase etc.Price for cabin, veranda and delivery is £2339.00 (not incl shingles)

Q : Hello I am interested in the 3x3 Clovelly log cabin but have avery tight space with a tall fence on 3 sides I can see the plans with the floor measurements, but I would like to know the overall width across the front INCLUDING the roof overhang either side and also excatly how much the roof overhangs the back of the cabin

A : The roof overhangs each side by approx. 200mm (8") and at the back approx 150mm (6")

Q : what is the position with planning permission

A : Please see our basic guide. If further details are required suggest you contact your local planning office who can advise on specific cases and areas

Q : Hi can you tell the thickness of floor and roof boards please

A : Both the floor and roof boards are 19mm tongue and groove

Q : HiI am interested in the "Clovelly 4x3 Log Cabin". I am looking to have the building exit front and back, can you please let me know if it would be possible to order the Cabin with two fronts? and if so how much this would costRegards Brian Sharpe (UK)

A : Additional doors and side panels are £296 incl VAT

Q : is there an option to have a side door added

A : Yes - an additional side door can be purchased for £133.00

Q : 1 What are the delivery charges to LU6 3AQ2 What type of wood is used for the logs3 What is the thickness of the T/G4 Given 68mm walls ,double glazing and felt shingles on the roof is further insulation neccessary5 Can you recommend a quality proofing product to spray on before assembly

A : 1.- Delivery is £44.002.- Pine form Lithuania3.- 19mm T and G4.- If it is to be used throughout 12 months, suggest a celotex type product on the roof prior to a plywood covering and felt shingles5.- We recommend Cuprinol shed and fence preserver being spirit based.

Q : Hello,I have ordered this cabin (RC12373756) and would like to know the optimum base size required. I have had a look at the assembly instructions but would like clarification prior to the cabin arriving (in a few weeks?)Thank you in anticipation.

A : The absolute minimum base size is 4820x2820mm which must be square

Q : I am interested in buying a Stella 5x3. Can you tell me what the installation cost would be please?Thanks,Gerry

A : It will depend on your location, but likely to be £648.00

Q : hi, could you please tell us where the kitchen fits in, and how big it would be? many thanks x

A : The kitchen area is between the lounge and bathroom areas with a floor space of 2.841m sq. 1.5m x 1.9m

Q : What are the internal dimensions of all your 5x4 cabins.

A : In order to establish internal dimensions, subtract x2 log widths and 160mm from the overall width of the cabin. For example a 5x4 34mm cabin will have an internal dimension of 5000-(68+160) x 4000-(68+160)

Q : What is the exact size of the base that I should make pre delivery to accommodate a 5 x 5 Lusia

A : Base size required is:4.84m x 4.84m

Q : Canyou do the Clovelly cabin 104 inch wide 144inch length and if so how much will it cost. I have just been told I can have £1500. for a new summer house old size was 8ft x 12ft concrere base in position. Or are teir any other cabins in this size.

A : The smallest cabins we do, including the Clovelly is 3m x 3m - is there any possibility of extending your concrete base ?

Q : Does this size of Luton (3x2) model have a side window like the 3x3 model

A : Yes it has a side window as standard

Q : Do you do any log cabins without extended canopies. Alternatively what is ths shortest canopy available. I am looking for 3W X 4D with double doors and side windows

A : Sorry no, we buy the cabins as kits. The Wales 3x4 has a 1.3m canaopy. This could be reduced in size on installation ?

Q : Do you deliver to Republic of Ireland and if so, how much would the shipping be?Also do you provide a service to erect, insulate, timber treat the house also within the Republic of Ireland? How much would this cost in total?

A : Sorry, we are unable to offer an installation service in your area.

Q : Hello,Built my Clovelly 3x3 over the weekend. Very pleased with it.One thing I thought you should know - On the assembly instructions that I downloaded from your site, it says the base is 2820x2820. On the instructions supplied with the cabin it says it should be 2840 x 2840. I had already built the base! I managed to get around it but thought you might need to make update the insructions.Other than that, very pleased.ThanksKeith

A : Thank you for the feedback and apologies for the inconvenience.~Our database has been updated accordingly.Thanks again

Q : Do prices incl VAT and can you provide an installation in Argyll, how much would it cost?

A : Yes - all our prices shown include VAT at the current rate. Sorry, we are unable to offer an installation service in your area

Q : do you have any log cabins fully constructed that i could have a look at?regardseddie

A : We have a Trentino Plus 3x3 available for viewing by prior arrangement. Please contact the office

Q : how much is delivery to ab53 5pa

A : £79.00


A : Yes

Q : Can you provide internal dimensions for the Wales 3 x 3 please?Best regards.

A : Internal dimensions are approx. 2730x2730mm

Q : What is the best way to inslate the Trentino Plus if it is to be used as an office space - how would you recommend it be done?

A : In most cases the wall thickness of 44mm is sufficient to keep out most of the cooler months weather with a little additional heating.It is worth insulating under the floor with standard loft insulation and a product such as celotex on the roof.Apply the celotex to the supplied roof boards and sandwich it with some 12mm plywood sheet. Lay your roofing material, shingles or otherwise onto the plywood.

Q : Can you tell me if the front door and window can be reversed?Many thanks

A : Yes - you can position the window and door either way during installation

Q : Is it possible to construct the front roof overhang shorter so that it doesn't come out so far forward?

A : Yes - you can cut the roof pirlins shorter to the length required

Q : how much cost installation

A : This will depend on your location.But it is in the region of £600 onto a prepared base

Q : in the assembly instructions it shows you have to screw all the wall logs. In most kits I have seen the logs just fit together. Is this necessary or just an extra safety measure

A : In our opinion, it is not necessary to screw the wall logs together. Without screwing, this allows the boards to move freely according to their moisture content.

Q : is there an option to get double glazing with the luton Cabin?

A : Sorry no. Double glazing comes a standard on our 44mm log range. The equivalent to the Luton being the Devon log cabin

Q : Can you please tell me the size of the floor joists

A : The floor joists are made from 3x2 section pressure treated timbers

Q : Can you build log cabin/garage to custom size and requirements?

A : Yes, not a problem ! Send through your requirements and we can put a price together

Q : What is the roof area and what is the delivery wait. I live in Southampton

A : The roof area is approx. 28m sq. Current lead time is between 3 and 4 weeks

Q : I am looking for a single bedroom log cabin, galley kitchen shower room and lounge. So it would be around 4 x 6 m. Can you help?

A : Probably our Baltic or Bristol Loh Houses would siut best. Take a look on the website and if you have any further questions, please call or email the office

Q : does it meet uk building regulations for residential buildings

A : At this time, it has not been put to the test of building regs

Q : How much would installation be? Location is DA16 1QJ, WELLING, BEXLEY, GREATER LONDON

A : Installation onto a prepared base is currently £490.00

Q : hello, how much would it be to deliver a 3 x 4 cabin to the IOW,also what is the floor size and height of the Aosta Plus? thanks

A : At current rates with Hampshire Freight Services, it is likely to cost in the region of £1650.00 Floor size will depend on which cabin size you are looking at. Take a look at the Aosta Plus page and select the size required for more details.


A : Sorry, we are unable to deliver to Ireland

Q : Hi, very interested in your Nottingham log cabin, can you tell me if the 4.5m width is the max external width including roof overhang either side or not? Does it come in 4.0m width? Many thanks, Mitch.

A : The 4.5m length refers to the full log length. Internal width is approx. 4252mm. The roof overhangs by a further 200mm approx each side.No, the Nottingham is only available in this size

Q : Hi can you tell me whether doors and windows are included within the price thank you

A : Yes - all the doors and windows are included in the advertised price


A : No, the window comes as part of the standard kit.You can purchase additional long logs to replace the window void ?

Q : We are looking at purchasing a logcabin to use as a home office and like the look of the Trentino Plus 4x5, BUT is this measurement including the overhang of the roof at the front? We actually need 4x5m internally .... what can you recommmend?

A : The 4x5 measurement refers to the cabin itself, the canopy is in addition to this measurement. The internal dimensions are approx. 3730x4730mm

Q : Hi there,I wondered if the 3x3 44mm log cabin had double glazed windows? As on one page it\'s states double glazed when another states single glazed.Also type of wood is it made from?Thank youMaria

A : All the glazing for the Trentino Plus 3x3 is double glazed as standard. The current timber used in manufacture is Russian Redwood

Q : what are delivery timescales like at the moment for this one ?if i add the shingles pack at the bottom, is that enough to cover the entire cabin ?

A : Delivery is generally withn 4 weeks of the order being placed. The shingles price provides sufficent material to cover the roof

Q : hi can you give me the outside dimentions of the walls and the roof because the area is not much bigger than 4x4 thanks dave

A : The 4x4 is reference to the log length. The roof overhangs the end of the logs by approx. 150mm

Q : What would be the specification for strip concrete foundations for a 3x4 Wales. What would be the width and depth of the strips - and the orientation -do they go across the width i.e 2.84m - or lengthways i.e 3.84.Thanks

A : Suggest a width of no less than 150mm and a depth of no less than 1125mm.The floor joists are positioned left to right therefore the strip foundations should run front to back

Q : the external size of 3190 x 3190 does this include the canopy size as well? or do we add it to 3190thanks

A : The size 3190 x 3190 is the cabin dimensions. The canopy is in addition to this

Q : Why does the assembly instructions say the wood is 7cm 70mm thick but your description is 60mm.How long between ordering and the cabine being delivered.Thank you

A : It would appear the old assembly instructions are still showing. The current log width of the Lusia range is 68mm.Usually we have a lead time of between 3 and 5 weeks depending on manufacturer availability

Q : What type of glazing is provided (double glazing ?)What the deluivery lead time on this cabin at present?

A : All the glazing is single glazed glass.Lead time is currently 4 weeks

Q : is the picture of the cabin exactly what it will look like when built?

A : Yes


A : Single glazed glass

Q : How long roughly am I likely to have to wait for my cabin after placing an order

A : Currently in stock and therefore you would recieve it within 10-12 working days

Q : I am intrested in the Lincoln log house, does the price inculed fitting.

A : Sorry no !

Q : Hello, Can the Lincoln log house be modified to form a double garage downstairs; without the central partition, with a window and door on one side and a 5m(w)x 2m(H) opening at the front?The upstairs would remain unchanged, with the exception of moving the staircase.Is this possible with this kit, or is it fixed to what is in the pictures?

A : The Lincoln requires the central partition as it is integral to the structure - sorry

Q : How many windows does the Luton have?

A : A double window in the front and a double window on one of the sides

Q : hi.i want to ask how much will cost the full installation.thx

A : Installation prices will depend on the final spec of the cabin and your location. I suggest you complete theinstallation enquiry form on the installation page where our service partners can give you an estimate of costs

Q : Dear Garden Adventure,the only place I can build the Borneo Log House is near my property boundary, i.e. max high must be no more than 2.5meters.Is there a way of reducing the Borneo Ridge from 2.85 meters to 2.50 meters.Regards, AB

A : Sorry, the design will not allow for the pitch to be restricted to a max of 2.5m

Q : For this Log cabin does the price include insulation?

A : No, there is no insulation supplied with this kit

Q : Would it be easy for 1 - 2 people with reasonable DIY skills to assemble the cabin or would you recommend a professional builder / carpenter be employed? Are the walls / floors etc supplied in interlocking panels?

A : If you are ok with DIY there is no reason why you should not self install.The floor and roof boards are tongue and groove boards

Q : do you supply dumfries scotland?

A : Yes, not a problem. Shipping is currently £149.00

Q : hi im interested in the lincoln log house does the price include you erecting it?

A : No, installation is extra. Price will depend on your location

Q : HI thereDoes this cabin come with a verandah option?many thanks

A : We can only supply a 34mm log veranda for this cabin (please see either the Wales or Luton range for info)

Q : Hi. I'm interested in the 5x3 Grande Log cabin. We're wondering if the side window could be moved to the other side. Also would it affect the design if the max height was 2.5m so as not to affect planning permission?

A : Yes, the side window can be constructed into either wall without a problem. Yes, the cabin can be manufactured to a max height of 2.5m if required

Q : Hi,please tell me the size of the roof overhang at the front of this cabin.Many thanks.

A : 1300mm

Q : i notice in the bathroom it only shows a WC and washhand basin,is there enough room for a shower

A : This will depend on the shower type. The room offered for use as a bathroom measures approx 2.15 x 1.59m (3.41 sq m)

Q : Can the external be treated with a clear wood varnish in order to maintain its natuaral look finish, or what would you recommend.

A : Suggest a clear wood preserver by Ronseal or Cuprinol rather than varnish as this will flake of in time exposing the timber.Wood preserver will soak into the wood providing much better protection

Q : is the 4m side the one with the door in it. the one facing us in the picture on your web site

A : Yes - we always quote the width of the cabin first

Q : Hi I have been looking through you website and just wondered if ther any options for thicker walls?? Thanks x

A : Our standard wall sizes go to 68mm. We can price the Laura in this gauge if required ?

Q : We are in the process of buliding a base for WALES 5MX4M LOG CABIN. could you please tell us the exact size of the base required for this size of cabin. Also how to build a base.

A : Construct a base of at least 5m x 4m ideally from concrete to minimum 4" in depth depending on the substrate

Q : with the addition of the veranda, will planning permission be required. It will be at least 80 feet from any other building including our own ?

A : No, planning will not be required

Q : Hellogeneral question about your cabins and houses, do the windows open out the way, in the way, or slide open?Do you offer shutters for the windows?Thanks

A : All windows now open outwards on all models. Yes shutters are available as an optional extra

Q : just another quick question .how thick are the floorboards and how long would delivery take ?

A : The floor boards are 19mm thick. Generally delivery is between 3 and 5 weeks of the order being placed

Q : Planning permission, do I need it.

A : Yes, this is very likely. If in any doubt, contact your local planning office

Q : HiI am interested in the Licoln Log House, do you have any further info on this. Ie past buyers that may be able to offer any advice.Do you have any documentation or further info regarding this you could send me.Kindest RegardsAmit Patel

A : This cabin is relatively new to the market therefore we cannot offer any advise from previous ownwers !What other info are you requirng ?

Q : HiWhat is time scale on delivery to Devon and approx how long would this take to erect.

A : Lead time is currently 4-6 weeks. Installation should take 2 people approx 4 days.

Q : I'm note that the doors and windows are single glazed is there a double glazed upgrade?

A : Unfortunately there is no double glazing option for this cabin

Q : Is the floor and roof t&g or sterling board,

A : Both are 19mm t & g boards

Q : Hi, just wondering whether the configuration of the side windows was flexible; can I decide at installation stage which side of the front the side windows can go?thanks

A : Yes, you can position the window in either side wall and the front wall can be constructed with the door to the left or right

Q : Hi there, Is it possible to use the Nottingham as an office in winter? Would it be o.k (with appropriate safeguards) to install a pot bellied coal stove?

A : In most cases a 44mm log is sufficient for all year round use - it depends on your location and how severe the winter weather gets!It would be appropriate to insulate both the roof and floor, the easiest methods are to place polystrene between floor joists, place a celotex type board onto the supplied roof boards and cover this with a 12mm ply before covering with the roofing material. Coal stoves are ok with appropriate safeguards

Q : We will be building multiple small cabins in Southeast Alaska. Is there a way to customize an existing plan and what would shipping cost be to Seattle Washington or Petersburg Alaska?

A : Sorry, we are unable to ship to the US

Q : What is the delivery time on the 5 x 3 log cabin please

A : Current lead time is approx. 3 weeks

Q : Can you arrange delivery to Dublin Ireland; at what cost, what is the expected assembly time and how much would it cost ? Regards Tommy

A : Sorry, we are unable to ship to Dublin

Q : Hi, I\'m considering purchasing a 4x5 44mm Trentino Plus. Could you tell me what size joists are included please. Many thanks

A : The bearers that the cabin sits on are section 50x50mm

Q : The diamentions ,is the front3m and sides 2500 do it include roof overhang.please can you give a scale drawing

A : The roof overhang is in addition to the 3.0 by 2.5 dimensions.These lengths refer to the actual log length

Q : do you need planning permission

A : In theory no, however we would strongly recomend you contact your local planning office to confirm their requirements

Q : Can you provide double glazed windows for Luton 4x4

A : Yes, double glazing is an option on our 34mm log range


A : Base size required is 1.84 x 2.84m

Q : What is the total foot print size inc the porch ?Does this model come in a bigger size ?Regards Marion

A : Please see all the dimensions in the Flaine Log Cabin page. Other sizes can be custom made. Please email any custom size required, including if you require felt shingles and your postcode.

Q : Hi there, just wondered what your delivery dates were roughly from time of ordering. Is it normally a matter of weeks before products are delivered.Thanks

A : Currently deliveries are taking between 3 and 5 weeks

Q : is the external size without the roof and are the two premises the internal sizes .thanks

A : The external size of the cabin, not including the roof overhang is 432 x 282cm. Likewise the dimensions given for the seperate rooms are the external size

Q : hi i'm looking for a 4.1m width x 3.8m depth can you do this size and if so how much complete with del and vat also delivery time

A : Yes, we can accommodate most changes to our standard designs. Send the information over by email and let us take a look.

Q : again I ask can you give me a scaled drawing of the accual dimentions o.d ,width lengh ect?

A : Unfortunately scale drawings are not made available from the manufacturers

Q : do we need planning permission to erect one of these log cabins in our garden to live in when we return from spain approx 4mths of the year, when our main residence will be occupied by another members of the family.

A : Yes - planning will be required for a cabin of this size

Q : is the 44mm thick wall warm enough to use as an occasional office? mainly storage only

A : With double glazing as standard and some heating then yes, there is no reason why this is not possible (it will depend predominantly on the ambient air temp)

Q : Can you do the Wales or Clovelly in 5m x 3m (deep)?Thanks

A : Sorry no. These are bought in as kits to the advertised dimensions

Q : If i dont have a window in either side of the cabin how would that reflect in the price.

A : Badly !The kit comes with the windows as standard. By removing the side window, you would need to purchase additional full length logs to fill the void

Q : Hi can your range of log cabins have a bespoke pitch to the roof i.e less of a pitch?If I provided a picture as to where I would like a cabin to fit up against my bungalow wall would you be able to design to suit?Thanks for any help,Nigel,

A : Yes, we can accommodate most changes to our standard designs. Send the information over by email and let us take a look.

Q : Do you charge for delivery? If so how much would it cost to deliver to SY10 area

A : Delivery is £50.00

Q : Do you offer a delivery service to France? Also a construction service. thanks

A : Sorry, in both cases we are unable to provide these services.

Q : Hi,Pleasecan you tell if the door can be moved to the 4m wall, where the single window is? If not, could you maybe supply the needed 5 or 6 extra 5m logs so my installers can do it when building.

A : Yes, this is not a problem to supply additional logs

Q : Can you have just the front section ie the veranda and main room and kitchen and loo with no bedrooms? Is that any cheaper?

A : Do you still require the same footprint of this reduced in size as well ?

Q : What are the options re the internal rooms? Is it possible to have a more open-plan style? I take it the plan is revesable? Can I fit skylights? Is there a veranda option available?

A : Please send your preferred floor plan including dimensions for us to price / consider. You may need to increase the roof structure where skylights are required. There is no veranda option available for this cabin - suggest you incorporate some decking and balustrade to achieve the desired effect

Q : for the base of the 4x5 wales with veranda what is the size of the concrete base i need.I am getting the base done this week so would appreciate quick response.Also what is the best thing to do for the construction of the interior floor

A : Make your base 4m x 6.5m This will be a sufficient size for the cabin and veranda

Q : Hello there, could you tell me the delivery time on the Luton 4 x 3. Many thanks, Lynne.

A : Currently between 2 and 4 weeks

Q : i am interested in your bristol log house however i would prefer it slightly bigger. so could you please tell me if you make a different size. many thanks.

A : Sorry no.They only come in the one size

Q : do you make a log cabin 12met. x 8met or 16met.x10met.

A : Sorry, not at this time

Q : please inform me the wood log clading used will prefer redwood

A : The manufacturer will use either Spruce or Russion redwood, depending on availability at the time of milling

Q : does ot come with a fitted kitchen and bathroon?

A : Sorry no, just the shell

Q : is the kitchen-bathroom-heating supplied in price

A : No, the price is for the building shell only

Q : Are windows double glazed?

A : No - double glazing comes as standard on the 44mm log range

Q : can you pay in monthly installments?

A : Sorry, we have no credit facilities available

Q : Does this require planning permission as it is a pitched roof over 4m high?Can you plasterboard/plaster the inside so that it is both better insulated but also feels like an "extra room" rather than a log house?What sort of heating can you put in it?

A : Best to check with your local planning office but chances are it will need planning permission. If you wanted a plasterboard finish, suggest you put battens down first

Q : Is there any ventilation built in?

A : No, but the side window will open to provide ventilation

Q : Is all the glazing double glazed with this model

A : Yes, all our cabins constructed from 44mm or thicker wall logs are double glazed as standard (Not garages)

Q : HiOn the Devon 3x4 description it states."Note - Items required to complete the construction include screws and nails to fix roof boards and bitumen shingles." What type/Size should be used.Also are you able to line the inside walls with plaster board?ThanksSi

A : You will need approx 600 2" galvanised nails, approx 200 1.5" screws and approx. 1000 16mm felt nails.There is no reason why you couldn't line the walls as described

Q : is possible the suply from cadiz?Which the price of transport?

A : We are only able to ship to a UK port of your choice

Q : Do you deliver to Scotland and if so, how much does it cost?

A : Yes, shipping starts at £79 depending on how far north you are located

Q : Do the log cabins come flat packed. How easy are they to erect? I live in a terraced house, would i be able to get it through the house to the back garden? If I needed how much to erect by yourselves. I live in SW16 area.

A : Yes, the cabins come delivered in individual components. If you are comfy with DIY then you should have no bother installing. As long as the hallway in your terrace house is straight, then all components will get through without a problem. Installation in your area is currently £500

Q : Do you do installation and does the Wales 3x4 Lag Cabin come with the floor as i have seen same that don't. And is there any possibilities of having the cabin delievered before the 3-5 weeks schedule?

A : We offer an installation service in the local area.The Wales 3x4 does come with a floor, it is 19mm tongue and groove boards.Delivery time frame will depend on your location

Q : what is the maximum size that you can make your garage

A : The largest garage we currently offer is 4m x 5.8m

Q : is it possable to have this with a solid single door at the rear on the left if so how much

A : Yes - we can supply an addtional solid door (including the framework, hinges and locks) for £156.00 (currently) You would need to cut the logs in the side you wished to position the door.

Q : do you install log cabins please

A : Yes, we install cabins throughout the UK Take a look at our new website and you will find more details about our costs there.

Q : Do you do made to measure houses?

A : Sorry - no

Q : Hi there.can you tell me the messurements of roof overhang, from wall to the edge of the roof.Regards,Vebi

A : The overhang is approximately 200mm

Q : Am i right in assuming that the 3m side of the 3m x 4m luton is the width of the cabin which has the door and window in it. Also could you please e-mail me the base dimensions for the luton 3m x 4m and the base dimensions for the luton 2m x 2mthank you Ron

A : Yes - we quote the width of the cabin first, then the depth.Base dimensions as follows :3x4 - 2.84x3.84m2x2 - 1.84 x 1.84m

Q : does the wales 4m by3m come with standard roof felt

A : No, there is no roofing material supplied with the kit. We offer the shingles as an option

Q : have you an installation service or dealer in or nearreading rg6 5yl

A : No dealer I'm afraid but we can offer installation

Q : From looking at the website, could you please advise whether the side window is included in the price or whether it is an optional extra.With many thanksM Wyse

A : The side window is included in the kit price

Q : I am interested in the Manchester Log Cabin. Please can you confirm whether you offer roof insulation and if you do how much it cost.Also please provide me with delevery details. My post code is SL0 0HS.Thank you.

A : Unfortunately insulation is not an option offered by the manufacturer.Shipping is £44.00Current lead time between 2 and 4 weeks

Q : Hey there, a few questions...1) What fits into the kitchen?2) What about water supply?3) What about gas for cooker, assuming it has it?Are any of this included in the price?Chears, Adam

A : The kit comprises the building only. The content shown in the floor plan is for illustration purposes only

Q : do you instal cabins in Perth Scotland?

A : Sorry no.

Q : Is there a list available of nails/screws etc required for the Derby please?I am helping my son in law to erect one this weekend.Thank you Bill Bush

A : You will need approx 200 1.25" screws for the window and door frames and approx 800 2" galvansied nails for the roof and floor boards.

Q : Hi.Thinking of buying a log house,(Borneo?)and wondering what is the method of fixing house to the base(concrete). Also if we were required to have an insulation gap of more than 50mm. is there an increase in the purchase price?

A : The bearers can be fixed to the concrete base using a hammer frame fixture. The first row of logs should be screwed into the bearers. Yes, any cavity size can be manufactured. There is a small increase in price due to the bespoke nature of this request.

Q : Can you tell me what the internal cabin dimensions are and the size of the canopy overhang?

A : Internal dimensions are 3770 x 2770. The canopy is 1300mm

Q : Is it possible to deliver this item to mainland europe, we have had items similar delivered using "Palletways" from the Uk for a reasonable cost

A : We can deliver to a UK port or depending on the final destination, possibly direct from manufacturer

Q : Could you let me know the dimensions of the Doors on the Wales 3x4? Whilst I am asking could I just confirm the the main Cabin Dimensions are 3m Wide by 4m Deep?Many thanks.

A : The door dimensions are - Double Door: 129,5 x 177 cmThis is correct - the width is 3m and depth 4m (not including hte canopy)

Q : Hi,please can you clarify how your cabins are delivered? Do they come as wall panels which lock together or as separate logs which are then joint to make walls. I have a conservatory which leads into back garden which upon delivery the cabin would have to fit through so panels maynot be an option. Many Thanks

A : Most cabins, including the Wales 3x4 are separate log components

Q : hello im interested in the above product how much to deliver to essex and have it built. also is it ok to live in all year round?

A : Delivery to Essex is £44.00The Lincoln is a fine Log House for all year round living accommodation.

Q : What sort of glazing do you supply?

A : The Clovelly range is single glazed with glass

Q : just a query, we were thinking of getting a log cabin for the garden but ideally we would like to install a wood burning stove inside. do you know whether this would be feasible with this model or with any of your cabins?

A : No problem providing suitable insulation is given to the wood surrounding the stove area and chimney

Q : HiOn the wales 3x4, can you make the cabin with the window on thre left hand side please?

A : Yes - you position the window in either side on construction

Q : is this price include vat and how much if you treated it before deliverey

A : All our prices are inclusive of VAT. We do not have the facility to pre-treat cabins

Q : Is planning permission needed for aNottingham log cabin in our garden? Also, do you have an erection service or is it strictly self build?SJB

A : Suggest you consult your local planning office to ensure compliance. Installation is available in the East Grinstead locality

Q : do you need planning permission for this?

A : In theory no, all dimensions fall within the standard guidelines.If in any doubt, contact your local plannig office

Q : Hi We are interested in both the Wooden Garage and the Trentino Plus Cabin 4 x 3. Please can you adivse delivery cost to RH20 3ED (Storrington. How long is the special price on the Trentino Plus available for?Many thanks SarahM: 07835785236

A : Shipping to Storrington on both cabins is £88.00The sale price on the Trentino Plus will he held for as long as the manufacturers dictate - but likely to be at least until the end of August

Q : Are the doors and windows galzed with glass or clear perspex?

A : The Trentino Plus has double glazing with glass

Q : have you ever had one of your log homes on a floating platform as we live in a flood zone and want to pretect our intrests

A : Interesting question - but as far as we are aware, none have been used in this enviroment although it does make sense !

Q : can the trentino-plus be insulated (floor and roof) if so can you give me a price for this .

A : There is no reason why this cabin can't be insulated, but we do not stock a kit

Q : can the doors be positioned on the long wall rather than the gable end?

A : Sorry, no. Not on this cabin

Q : How deep is the verandah for the Clovelly.

A : 1.5m deep

Q : Hi Your Valmorel Log House is it possible to arrange deliveryto Algarve Portugal and at what costThank you

A : Delivery is possible, but carriage charges can be as much as £2000

Q : Hi, what is the wood that is used for this cabin and where does it come from.thank you.

A : The timber used by the Lithuanian manufacturer is either Spruce or Redwood, depending on what is available when machining this cabin type

Q : Are the window panes glass or perspex?Thanks

A : All panes are single glazed glass

Q : We would like to use the log cabin as an office in the garden. Would we need to insulate the walls in order to keep warm? ie does the wind blow through the wooden gaps? or is it advisable to board up inside and fill with insulation

A : I would recomend no less than a 44mm log for use 12 months of the year and preferably the 68mm. With these you should get away with insulating just the roof and floor, particularly as they come with double glazing as standard.

Q : does this price include, double glazed windows, doors, delivery and roofing?

A : The price does not include the following :Roofing feltDeliveryBoth these are in addition to the price shown

Q : could one be made without side window, and also what sort of del time to leicester le9 6qf.many thanks terry

A : Sorry no, this kit is not currently being manufactured and there are only a few left in the country.

Q : you mention that long nails are necessary to secure the roof. I live in a windy, coastal area and am wondering how the high roof will stand up to gale-force winds. Should extra-long nails be used?

A : If you have concerns, suggest you use ringed nails as used through a nail gun or screw the roof boards to the joists.

Q : Do the doors open inwards or outwards?

A : The doors will open outwards

Q : Can the side door be put on the otherside at the rear? What is the height from the internal floor to the bottom of the side window?

A : You can place the side door and window combination on either side of the cabin. The approx. height from floor to window is 900mm

Q : hello,do you do installations in north west norfolk?If so how much would it be to purchase the trentino-plus log cabin in 4m by 5m with grey roof shingles,verander and installation

A : Sorry, this is out of our operating area. We are based near Gatwick

Q : how far does canopy come out

A : The canopy is 70cm

Q : HiShipping to Isle of Skye ( IV49 9AP )Thanks

A : We are only able to ship to a uk mainland port

Q : are the door and window measurements the same as the Clovelly 4x3 as there is no specifications on the 3x3

A : Yes - same spec as the 4x3

Q : Hi. Are the floor and roof construted in T/G boards & what is the finished thickness

A : Yes - both are 19mm T and G boards

Q : does the Clovelly cabin have glass windows and how thick are the roof and floor timbers

A : Yes it is single glazed with glass. Both the floor and roof boards are 19mm T and G

Q : how thick are the roof and floor boards

A : 19mm

Q : Do I need planning approval

A : This will depend on where the cabin is located within your property. See the regulations page for further details on Planning Permission

Q : can you provide the door in wood and not in glas

A : Yes, this can be arranged as a special order. May be a small enhanced fee to cover machining costs


A : Please see the following page :https://logcabinkits.co.uk/planning-permission-and-building-regulationsBut for your own peace of mind, always check with your local planning office.

Q : I am looking for some details on the Clovelly 4x3 sheds. What type of windows are they - single or doubled glazed. If single are they available in double glazed? Also if you you send me any more information on the shed and construction that would be great.

A : The Clovelly cabins are fitted with single glazing with no option to upgrade to double glazing. Installation guide can be viewed here :https://logcabinkits.co.uk/assembly-instructions/207.pdf

Q : Can you adapt the downstairs to have a door installed in the side of the house.

A : Yes, this is possible and should be requested at point of order

Q : do you manufacture open plan cabin 12met x8met

A : This would be possible only in a custom build. If you would like a price for this, please give more details including log thickness, door and window number and position

Q : can any log cabin be dismantled and reassembled somewhere else?

A : Generally, the answer will be "yes". Damage limitation to the roof and floor boards will be much less severe if they have been screwed rather than nailed down. The roofing material will also need to be replaced.

Q : What is the glazing on these cabins?Is a Saturday delivery extra?ThanksChris

A : All glazing is glass. Saturday deliveries are possible but will command a premium rate available on request

Q : What are the precise fittings provided?

A : There are no internals fittings provided. The kit comes complete with all walls, doors, windows and roofing material.

Q : The place I have to put a cabin is longer than it is wide. Can you put the doors of this cabin on the shorter side of the building? If not do you do made to measure cabins?

A : No, the doors must be positioned in the 3.0m wall of this cabin

Q : do you need a base for cabin or is it included

A : Yes, you will need a concrete base on which to site the cabin

Q : Does this log house come fitted with electric and running water? Also, will you install the log house on site? If so will there be an extra fee for this?

A : The kit only comprises the wooden shell, internal walls and doors and windows.Installation is possible - price depends on your location

Q : do you need planning permission for these log cabins

A : Generally no, unless your local planning authority has more specific and restricting rules

Q : Do you do any summer houses /log cabins in12 x8 size please.thank you

A : The nearest size we have to a 12' x 8' are either :

Q : hi does your published price include VAT ? ie nottingham building £4990 inc vet or not ?

A : Yes - this price includes VAT

Q : Do you offer an assembly service

A : Yes, we cover most of the country with our installation teams

Q : Can the window be installed on either side.

A : Yes, you choose the side for installation when you build the cabin

Q : how thick are the doors for security

A : Approx 34mm to match the wall thickness

Q : your warranty says"Our Log Cabins carry a 10 year warranty on all Pressure Treated Wooden component parts against fungal decay and damage by insects. All other timbers carry a 5 year warranty."I am thinking of buying a 4x3 Luton . Could you tell me which parts are pressure treated so that I know what treatment I will have to use myself.Thank you

A : Only the floor bearers are pressure treated, all other components will require treating

Q : Please quote for the cost of an extra single timber door in the side opposite the double doors

A : The current price on an additional solid door and frame unit is £190.00

Q : can we have this model with no internal walls, and an open upper bedroom only

A : Unfortunately not, all the external wall logs are cut to accommodate the cross braces for the internal walls.

Q : Can this be supplied pre-treated? Also what is the timescale for delivery from the date of order?Many thanks

A : Sorry no, we are unable to have these products pre-treated. Lead time is generally between 3 and 5 weeks

Q : Are all the cabin features the same as the aryana is the wood kiln dried and treated.

A : Not necessarily.The detail page for each cabin will list the various features. If you have any specific questions regarding a cabin please email

Q : I want to order today for delivery to Oxford How long before you can deliver I need it asap

A : Delivery on this cabin is currently 3 weeks

Q : What is the delivery time on this product?

A : Generally between 3 and 5 weeks

Q : can I have this made without any side windows and the front window and door double glazed

A : Sorry, kits come as standard with no option to remove windows

Q : Very interested in this model. Can you supply the base plans/dimensions and terms and conditions please.Many thanksSteve

A : You can now download a copy of the assembly instructions from the Trentino Plus 5x5 details page

Q : Can this cabin be constructed without the wooden floor installed i.e. can the timber bearer be placed around the perimeter to support the walls but with the floor being left as concrete?Can this cabin also be supplied pressure treated? if so at what cost?Thanks

A : Yes - there is no reason why the floor cannot be left out. No - we are unable to supply this cabin pre-treated

Q : Does the quoted external width of 4m include the roof overhangs? I need to know the extreme outside measurements for the space it has to fit in.

A : The roof will overhang the 4m dimension be a further 100mm approx each side

Q : Hi What wood is the Trentino Plus manufactured from?

A : The mill is currently using Russian Redwood for manufacture

Q : Could you give a quotation to deliver, erect, insulate, timber treat and connect services at CB21 (formally CB1) Abington, Cambridge?

A : On top of the purchase price, to deliver and install including fitting of insulation (not supplied) Treat all external timbers. Unable to connect services - sorry.£5400.00 incl VAT

Q : What is the internal floor measurement please? And how much to deliver to Lindfield, Haywards Heath? And how long to deliver? Thank you.

A : Sorry, this cabin is currently unavailable from the manufacturers

Q : Can you please tell me the size and price of verandah.

A : Unfortunayely there is not a veranda option for the Luton 2x2

Q : what sort of heating would be possible to install in a log house.

A : Pretty much any kind, including a full boiler and radiator system, otherwise electric heaters, stand alone gas heaters, log burners etc

Q : How much will it cost to insulate the roof/floor and walls?

A : We do not offer any specific insulation kits for our cabins. You would have to source the materials from your local builders merchants

Q : The picture shows a large window located on the right hand side, as you look at the front doors. Is this included in the kit, as it doesn't apppear in the construction instructions parts list.Thank you.

A : Yes, there is a side window and this can be placed on the right hand side or left hand side

Q : Hi,A few questions regarding the Aosta Plus 4x3;1)Please supply a price per layer of timber to increase the height of unit.2)Can you supply/recommend insulation for the roof either external / internal?3)If a double window is ordered for the rear, is the timber supplied cut to length (given a location)Many Thanks

A : Each additional row of logs will cost £162.00. We don't supply the insulation but would suggest you use 50mm celotex or similar. Please see this article. Additional windows need to be cut in by the installer. Best practice is to construct the cabin and cut the opening into the completed wall.

Q : Do you deliver to Ireland?

A : Sorry, no

Q : The illustration shows a window on one side. Is this a standard or optional feature? The assembly instructions seem to make no mention of window

A : Yes, the Clovelly range of cabins do have a side window as strandard. This can be placed on either side as required

Q : is it possible to order a window on both sides and how much will this cost

A : An additional double window for the Clovelly 4x3 is £104.00

Q : Does the Devon cabin come with roofing felt?

A : No, these kits do not have the roofing felt as standard. Some form of felt will need to be bought in order to complete the installation

Q : Is the log cabin treated against rot. If not what is the recommended product?

A : Only the floor bearers are pressure treated. We recommend using Cuprinol shed and fence preserver which is an oil based product ensuring longevity of protection

Q : Do you do verandas for this model if so how much

A : Yes, 44mm verandas are now available. For the 5m cabin they retails @ £387.00

Q : Hi, Can you confirm what type of lock is on the door? Thanks

A : It has a cylinder type lock supplied with three keys

Q : Can these buildings be insulated and made secure to be used as a home office?

A : Many of our cabins are used as home offices. Although we do not supply an insulation kit, it is not difficult to clad a stud wall and place suitable insulation material between internal and external walls.

Q : do you have to have internal walls? can you have just external? if yes what is price reduction?

A : It is possible to have the cabin manufactured open plan, however there needs to be x4 posts in a central location that helps support the roof. Unfortunately there is no reduction in cost as this becomes a bespoke cabin requiring addtional prep and planning work prior to manufacture.

Q : I was wondering how much extra from the price shown (£6049) would it cost for this log house to be delivered and constructed in Devon? Thank You.

A : Delivery charges are as per our standard rate to Devon. Please see the installation tab to get a price for installation in Devon.


A : Yes, the width of the cabin is always stated first

Q : Would this need planning permission to go in a garden?

A : Yes, most definately

Q : we need to know delivery date ?we would like to negotiate price for cash or any special deals on similar cabins?the overhang size of roof?

A : Delivery is usually achieved within 3 weeks of the order bein placed.We currently do not have any special offers.The canopy is 1.3m

Q : What are the doors made of? What are the door locks?Is roof felt supplied in cost?

A : The doors are made of wood.The door locks are similar to a yale door lockNo, roof felt is not supplied with this particular kit

Q : 400mmis in feet how long

A : Approx 12 ft

Q : can the cabin be increase in size to about 10m x 9m, is it double walled, could i re design the stair position

A : Sorry no, these cabins are bought in as kits to this size and spec. Double skinning is not an option

Q : Does this cabin come in 44mm wall thickness and does this come with a double glaze option?Do you have a showroom where we can view the cabins?

A : Sorry no - the Clovelly is only available in a 34mm log with single glazed glass

Q : Can you give me the dimmension from the face of the outside wall to end of log please

A : Approx. 100mm

Q : What is the delivery time on this product (Stella log cabin 44mm) and can you give me the total price including roof shingle and delivery to a swansea address (sa43pz)

A : Current lead time on the Camborne is 3 weeks. Delivery to your postcode is £190.00

Q : Are the window and door panes double glazed?and can you reverse which side the window is on

A : The Clovelly cabin is single glazed.Yes, the side window can be placed on either the left or right hand side


A : Yes, delivery to the Isle of Wight is possible with a small supplement on shipping. The window can be pleaced on either side, this can be chosen on installation

Q : Can this item be supplied with a single door and a square window to the side of the door

A : Sorry, no.

Q : what modifications would need to be made in order to meet building regulations??? in order for permanent residence

A : The construction needs to be made by utilising a double skin construction and the external doors and windows need to be upgraded to improve their insulation properties

Q : Hi can you guarantee delivery in a fortnight?

A : Sorry no. We should be able to get the cabin to you between 2 and 4 weeks.

Q : I note the question about the Republic of Ireland .. Do you deliver there? I can build it myself

A : Yes - delivery is currently possible.

Q : can dubble glazing be fitted to the windows and doors.

A : This is not an option for the Clovelly cabin.

Q : how is the wood treated against rotting

A : The floor bearers are pressure treated from factory. All other timber will require treatment of some kind. We recommend either a spirit or oil based treatement such as Cuprinol shed and fence preserver

Q : how much is installation

A : This will depend on your location. Please advise

Q : hi will be purchasing one of nottingham cabins in the future but i want to have a ceramic tiled floor put in so will therefore like to know if it is possible not to have the wooden floor installed but instead have the cabin bolted to the concrete base leaving a bare concrete floor on which to lay a ceramic floor if that makes sense thanks

A : Yes, this wouls be possible, you would need to ensure the bottom log was properly treated against wateringress and seal between this first log and the concrete with some form of mastic / silicon

Q : I have recently purchased a log cabin similar to those that you supply. What heating would you recommend that I use?

A : There are no hard and fast rules. It may depend on what fuel type is readily available.Options include electric heaters or gas, including bottle fed appliances.In some instances, with careful application it is possible to fit up a wood burnng stove

Q : what size concrete base is needed for the 5x3 Stella log cabin please?

A : The minimum size required is 4820 x 2880mm

Q : Can I get the door on the left and window on the right? It's 44mm and double glazed? Can you give me an idea on delivery and erection for the 4x3m size? Also... does it come with roof felt? And floor and ceiling?

A : Yes, the door can be positione dto either the right or left hand side. Standard spec is 44mm wall logs, double glazing, floor and roof boards in 19mm TGV.

Q : How many windows does this log cabin have and are they fitted with glass?

A : Apart from the windows and doors at the front, the Clovelly has 1 side window which is single glazed

Q : Can the window on wall c be put on wall d ?How long is delivery?What is the price for a 4000 x 3000 delivered?

A : Yes, the side window can be installed on either side wall C or D.Current lead time is 2-4 weeks.The Clovelly log cabin with shingles is £1800, shipping starts at £44 depending on your location

Q : Hi 2 questions Stella cabin1 does it com with a floor if so what2. Can the beading going across the windows be left of to give more light

A : Yes, the cabin comes complete with 19mm tongue and groove floor boards. The windows are constructed from separate panes for each quarter and therefore cannot be supplied as one large pane

Q : could u send me a pic of in side

A : Sorry, we do not have the picture you require

Q : I see you do a 3x3 in the Clovelly is it possible for you to do a 3 wide by 4 long and if so at what price.This 35mm log has double tongue and groove what are the advantages over the single.Some of the lower parts are pressure treated is the majority of the building untreated and if so what do you recommend as a treatment and at what frequency.

A : Sorry, we only stock the 3x3 and 4x3 Clovelly cabin. The double groove provides a greater surface for each log to bond therefore resulting in greater strength and insulation

Q : are the windows single or double glazing?

A : Single glazed with glass

Q : what is the glazing material

A : Glass

Q : is the verandah to the trentino-plus 4x3 1.5 metres deep? is it the same as the luton or wales one thanks

A : Yes you are correct. The only available verandas are constructed of 35mm logs

Q : I have restricted access to the rear of my property can all these items be carried through a standard house

A : Yes, this is not a problem assuming no sharp turns through doorways

Q : Hi, I am interested in purchasing this cabin, and also for you to install. I am concerned regarding the base, can you do this also? Currently at the back of my garden its wood chipping on a slightly uneven surface. I live in Hull - HU6 8Q

A : The base needs to be firm level and stable to ensure a good installation. It will probably be cheapest to employ a local ground worker to get the base sorted before we arrive with the cabin to install. Hope this helps

Q : I have limited access to my garden. All materials will have to be brought through the house. (Through a standard size kitchen door). Would this be a problem?

A : This is not a problem. The largest component is the door, otherwise the longest log is approx 4.0m

Q : Is this 4m wide by 3m depth?What are your delivery times?Is the door double glazed as well as the windows?

A : Yes - we always state the cabin width first. Delivery is currently up to 4 weeks. all glazing on the Trentino Plus is double glazed

Q : can the canopy length be reduced from 1.3m

A : Yes - There is no reason why the canopy length cannot be reduced by shortening the roof joists an equal amount

Q : do you have floor plans and elevations

A : Sorry no - the manufactuers have just changed spec and the details we have are incorrect

Q : Can you tell me the excact measurements required in feet for the Clovelly 4 x 3 cabin

A : The log lengths are 13' 2" x 9' 10"

Q : Hi I\'m looking at the Aosta Plus 5x4 log cabin in the sale do you offer a build service? If so how much thanks

A : Installation of this cabin onto a prepared base will cost in the region of £600.00 It may be more or less depending on your location.

Q : Dear Sirs, We would like to know do you deliver to Spain and what would be the cost to deliver a Baltic 44 log house to Alicante Province ? Thank you Anne Breen

A : Yes - delivery can be made directly from tyhe manufacturers. Shipping would be approx. 1300 eur + vat.

Q : What type of wood is used for log cabins in particular for the Lusia. Does it have any treatment at all i.e. will it be Ok stored outside for a month or 2 while awaiting construction

A : The timbers are made from redwood, grown in Lithuania and Russia. Only the floor joists come pre-treated, all other timbers are un-treated. As long as the packs are kept completely dry then there will not be a problem with storing for this period of time.


A : Total area including veranda is 10.5m sq


A : Yes - all prices quoted are inclusive of VAT

Q : Hi,Do you deliver to Republic of Ireland and what is the cost, ThanksKevin

A : Sorry, no

Q : Is there anywhere near where I live that I can see one of these 'houses' already erected? Also, will this be suitable for my mother to live in, in my garden?

A : We currently do not have any show sites - sorry. This is a very suitable house for living in